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Day 2: Whats Fair

There is quite a few issues in my novel ” The Book of Negroes”, but i belive that the biggest one that jumps out at us would have to be how the blacks were treated as inferior to the white man. Some incidents were i have found this novel has had it, was when Aminatas village was attacked and all the black people were rounded up and put in shackles. For example in the second chapter when Aminata is taken she says that “I live in terror that the captors would beat us, boil us and eat us.”  This shows the true power and intimidation that the white man possessed. Later on we find out that these black people would be sold on the slave market and forced to work on plantations. In my mind i belive that this kind of act is inhumane, it is not right to beat someone up, chain them up and force them to work for you just because of the colour of their skin.

The characters in my novel are having trouble adjusting to their experiences of injustice. For example Aminatas a young girl who has just been taking away from her home and everything she loved, she is having a hard time adjusting to the fact that she will never be able to go back to here home land.

I think that this has the biggest disadvantage for the women because they have to do a lot more work than the me and the white man could possibly rape these women which is just horrible. Although i hate to say it but i belive that the white man has the biggest advantage over the blacks because they have more power and they are the ones that are making the profit off of selling these poor, innocent black people.

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